Ignatz×Lysithea Support Conversations
イグナーツ: こんにちは、リシテアさん。お出かけですか? 天気良いですもんね。
Ignatz: Good morning, Lysithea! Out for a stroll, are we? It’s lovely weather for it.
I might go wander outside myself. I’m sure I can see some beautiful sights.
リシテア: ……イグナーツ。ちょっと、動かないでください。
Lysithea: Ignatz―hold still, will you?
イグナーツ: ……はい?
Ignatz: Uh, sure?
リシテア: 靴の紐がほどけています。みっともない、結んであげます。
Lysithea: Your shoes are untied. It looks sloppy. Let me just fix it for you.
イグナーツ: あ、あの……。教えてくれてありがとう。でもボク、自分でできますから……。
Ignatz: Oh! Thank you for letting me know, but really, I’m perfectly capable of trying them myself.
リシテア: どうせ縦結びにしちゃうでしょ。黙ってわたしに任せなさい。
Lysithea: Pfft, clearly that’s not the case, otherwise this wouldn’t be an issue. Now, hush.
イグナーツ: うう……。
Ignatz: Um.
リシテア: ……はい、できました。
Lysithea: There we go.
イグナーツ: すみません……。
Ignatz: Thanks…
リシテア: 寝ぐせもついていますね。
Lysithea: You’ve also got awful bedhead.
イグナーツ: えっ!? そんな、ちゃんと鏡で……。
Ignatz: What?! But I examined myself in the mirror before leaving my quarters!
リシテア: 後ろです。身だしなみくらい、しっかりしたらどうですか。
Lysithea: It’s the back of your head. Quite unkempt. You really should get it together.
I mean, really. You’re born to a noble-adjacent merchant family, aren’t you? You really should be more presentable.
イグナーツ: すみません……。リシテアさんはしっかりしてますね。
Ignatz: Sorry, Lysithea… You’re always so perfectly put together.
In fact I’d say you’re perfect in all respects… I don’t think I’ve seen you fail at anything.
リシテア: 隙を見せると、みんなわたしのことを子供扱いしますから。
Lysithea: Well, consider that if I make even the slightest misstep, everyone will treat me like a child.
There’s nothing I hate more than that…
イグナーツ: 偉いなあ、リシテアさんは。偉いけど……でも、少し無理してませんか?
Ignatz: I see! Well, I think you’re very mature. If anything, you may be overdoing it somewhat.
I mean, people treat me like a child sometimes. But I like it, because it remains me that other people care about me. You know?
No matter how much we stretch, some things are always beyond us. I think it’s fine to be vulnerable and ask for help sometimes.
リシテア: ……イグナーツ、あんたまで年上ぶってわたしにお説教ですか?
Lysithea: Ignatz, are you really lecturing me about how I conduct myself right now?
You’re sheepish, unreliable scatterbrain who can only ever think about what others think of him!
Perhaps you should worry about your own maturity before you start questioning mine.
Although you certainly look the part of a baby, so maybe that’s asking too much.
Anyway, I’ve got things to do, so I’m going to go now.
イグナーツ: え、リシテアさん、待って……うわっ!
Ignatz: Uh, Lysithea, wait! Hey!
リシテア: 足元しっかり見て歩きなさい。ほんと、子供ですね。
Lysithea: Outta my way. You’re such a child, I swear…
イグナーツ: うう、あんまりだよ。ボクのほうが本当に年上なのに……。
Ignatz: That was uncalled for. After all, I am older than she is.
リシテア: あら、イグナーツ。今日もお散歩?
Lysithea: Oh, hey. It's you. Going for a walk again today?
イグナーツ: いえ、散歩なんて子供じゃないんですから。食事当番なので街まで買い出しに。
Ignatz: No, I'm on cooking duty today, and I have to head into town for some groceries.
リシテア: 一人で? 一緒に行きましょうか。あんただけじゃ心配だし。
Lysithea: All on your own? Hm, I'd better go with you. I'd be worried if you went by yourself.
イグナーツ: 心配って。食材の選定くらい、ボクだってできますよ。
Ignatz: No, please! I can manage on my own.
リシテア: 買った食材を一人で持って帰るのだって大変でしょ?
Lysithea: But won't you have a hard time carrying everything back?
イグナーツ: 大丈夫です! 足りない食材を少し買い足すだけですから。
Ignatz: Not at all. I'll be fine. I'm just replacing a few ingredients.
Also, I may not look it, but I'm actually quite strong. I've been exercising every day!
リシテア: どう見ても非力に見えますけど。腕なんてラファエルの半分の太さもないじゃない。
Lysithea: You're right—you don't look it. Your biceps are a fraction of the size of Raphael's.
リシテア: 両手に食材を抱えて、フラフラ歩いて、石につまづいて食材をまき散らす……
Lysithea: If you start fumbling around under the weight of all the groceries, and then you trip and spill everything everywhere...
Look, I'm just saying, that could be your future. It could happen. It doesn't look pretty.
イグナーツ: ……そんなに頼りないですか、ボク。
Ignatz: That's what you think of me, huh?
リシテア: 頼りないです。
Lysithea: Yep. You're honestly a bit of a mess.
イグナーツ: そうですか……。
Ignatz: I see. If that's how you feel...
リシテア: ……ああ、もう!そんな捨てられた子犬みたいな顔しないで!
Lysithea: Oh, knock it off with the wounded puppy-dog eyes!
As though I'm some sort of villain in your story...
イグナーツ: すみません、そういうつもりじゃないんですけど……。
Ignatz: I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. I'm just a bit sensitive, that's all.
You're talking like you don't respect me.
リシテア: 何それ? わたしのせい?
Lysithea: I see. So now it's my fault?
No matter how grown you seem to think you are, there's so much you're incapable of.
You can play at being a mature adult, but it only ever complicates things. And that's exactly what makes you look like a child.
イグナーツ: う……もう、いいです!ボクのことは、放っておいてください!
Ignatz: Oh, enough already! Would you just leave me alone?!
リシテア: い、言い過ぎたかな……。
Lysithea: Maybe I...went a bit far that time...
But he's so stubborn despite his ineptitude. I can't just leave it be.
He's so foolish—constantly making a mess of things. Wait... But then…
イグナーツ: 背伸びしてみても、できないことはあるし、たまには誰かに甘えてみてもいいんじゃ……
Ignatz: No matter how much we stretch, some things are always beyond us. I think it's fine to be vulnerable and ask for help sometimes.
リシテア: 同じこと、先にアイツに言われてたんだ……。
Lysithea: What he said to me before...
To everyone else, do I seem just like Ignatz?
リシテア: イグナーツ、あの……。
Lysithea: Um, hey...
イグナーツ: あ、リシテアさん……。
Ignatz: Oh! Lysithea.
Something I can do for you?
リシテア: か、買い物をお願いしたいんです。
Lysithea: Can you help me out with my shopping?
イグナーツ: 買い物ですか? ええ、いいですよ。荷物持ちですか?
Ignatz: Yes, of course. You need me to carry stuff?
リシテア: いえ……茶葉を買いに行ってほしいんです。わたし、急ぎの書類仕事があって……。
Lysithea: Actually, can you pick up some tea for me? I'd do it, but I'm drowning in work.
イグナーツ: 忙しくて買い物にも出られないんですね。わかりました。好きな銘柄は?
Ignatz: You're so busy you can't go shopping? OK. Do you have a favorite kind of tea?
リシテア: こだわりはないんです。喉が渇いた時に片手間に飲むだけなので。
Lysithea: I'm not too picky. I just like having it around, really.
Whatever's cheapest works for me. Here's some money.
イグナーツ: ……リシテアさん。あの……この買い物、何でボクに?
Ignatz: One question. Why me? You don't really need my help for this.
リシテア: それは、その……少しは頼ってみようかなって……。
Lysithea: I just thought I could lean on you a bit.
You know, rather than trying to do everything on my own.
イグナーツ: そうなんですね……。いいと思います!頼ってもらって、ボクもすごく嬉しいです!
Ignatz: Right. I see. Well, good! I'm glad you decided to approach me.
Ah, but, for this particular task, you might be better off doing it yourself.
リシテア: え?
Lysithea: Oh?
イグナーツ: お茶は種類がたくさんある上に、当たり外れがあるでしょう?
Ignatz: There are so many different kinds of tea, and I'm not very discerning. What if I get you one you don't like?
When I do my own shopping, I pick a tea at random. Otherwise I'd be paralyzed by all the choices.
It's the same with food. Sometimes I stare and stare at the options and never decide.
リシテア: ……食材の買い出しの時は、自信ありそうだったじゃないですか。
Lysithea: You looked like you were just fine when you went to get groceries the other day.
イグナーツ: あれは、その……無理してました。あはは……ごめんなさい。
Ignatz: I really had to push myself to do that alone. I don't think I can do that again. Sorry...
リシテア: ……ふふっ。なるほど。無理な背伸びはやめたんですね。
Lysithea: Aha. So you've stopped trying to do things on your own, then?
イグナーツ: はい。でも、それはそれとして……
Ignatz: Yeah. Still, though...
For today, how about you have some of my tea? If that'll do...
リシテア: 本当ですか? じゃあ、ついでに……お茶を淹れるのも、お願いできますか?
Lysithea: Sounds nice, sure. Do you mind brewing mine while you're at it?
イグナーツ: いいですよ! ローレンツくんほど上手くは淹れられませんけど。
Ignatz: OK! Though I can't do it as skillfully as Lorenz, I'm afraid.
イグナーツ: すぐに支度しますから、リシテアさんは仕事に専念していてくださいね。
Ignatz: I'll get it ready right away. Feel free to start focusing on your work.
リシテア: ……ふふっ。
Lysithea: Heh.
イグナーツ: な、何ですか?
Ignatz: What?
リシテア: いえ、背伸びしなくたって、イグナーツは十分頼りになるなと思って。
Lysithea: I mean, you seem plenty reliable to me.
イグナーツ: え? そうですか?……どこが?
Ignatz: I do? Really? How so?
リシテア: あんたといると、安心できるし、楽しいし。全然嫌な顔しないで助けてくれるし。
Lysithea: You're fun, you're easy to be around, and you rarely complain when you help others.
イグナーツ: 助けるって言っても、ボクにはお茶を淹れるくらいしかできませんけどね。
Ignatz: Well, I'm just pouring you some tea. I'm not sure that qualifies as "help."
リシテア: わたし、誰かを頼るのが本当に苦手なの。でも、イグナーツなら……
Lysithea: It's not easy for me to rely on people, but with you, it's different.
イグナーツ: ええ、ボクにできることは、多くはないかもしれませんけど……
Ignatz: Well, there aren't many things I can do, frankly.
What I can do, I will do! So if you need anything, ask me, and I'll try to help.
リシテア: 試しにって……本当に頼りないですね。でも、頼りにさせてもらいますね。
Lysithea: You really are unreliable, as it turns out! Guess I'll just have to take your word for it.
Lysithea returned home to help her parents restore their family land. Years later, when the end to their hard work was finally in sight, she relinquished House Ordelia's claim to nobility, and the family retreated from the public eye. In her new life as a commoner, she had a chance reunion with Ignatz, who had persuaded his family to allow him to travel the world as an artist. Lysithea became enchanted by his determination, and by the landscapes and portraits he painted of all he had seen in his travels. She offered the remainder of her short life in support of his work. It is said that Ignatz's most famous piece, Portrait of a Goddess, used Lysithea's face as a reference.